As long as u don't look close enough..
I just discovered that most (like 80%) of the people I know are GOOD, meaning they are not setting out to get anyone in any way.. And are willing to give help when asked for it.
Its just that we allow the minorities affect how we look at people en generale..
This is known as the 80-20 rule, its when the vital few affect how we treat the majority.
I say, don't give up on people, and u might be surprised with how things go!
- to networking xx
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there are good ppl..still..
FB, i've always wondered... are u a kuwaiti living in Dubai?
big pearls.. i think its vital that we have that option in mind..
baroque: no babe, im a dubai-an born and raised and living in dubai, n loving it to bits lol hardcore dubai-an.. love dxb.. the works :P
dubai-an as in emiratya :P
no cuz itgi6eeen ikwaity at times like the comment on my blog, qimat ligafaat il kuwaitiyeen xx
I really hope so..
I keep getting shocks.. that's why i am not very social.. a 'friend' betrayed me about a few months ago .. and i feel scared to approach people..
Baroque - lol emarateya 7abeebty.
shosho - just take it easy for the time being. True, u can lose faith in people when ur faced with a bad experience, but life is all about learning from those experiences, and becoming a stronger person.. giving people chances is a step forward. :)
oh, tres cool... very stereotypical of me, bs i always thought they were an extinct/hidden species especially in Dubai... xx u a cool emiratiya!
Y3ni, expect ..
mmm ..
the expected?
I like thinking innon good too, less headache.
Baroque mn zaw2ik babe
Mi yes yes they are.. :NOD:
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