Friday, August 29, 2008

One last word..

"Pour vivre heureux, vivons caché."

(Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian)

- to happiness.. may each and every one of you bask in it x


K.D said...

what... are you dying?!

مريم الفلاسي said...

It was a great pleasure reading each and every single post you wrote.

I sure will miss this.

Ruby Woo said...






Anonymous said...

where are you going?

and inshalla intay awal wa7da to "bask in it";*

f7ee7eely said...

likewise my friend.......

Journal Entries said...

is that something bad?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

heh? what where u going?!

Big Pearls said...

what r u saying?

Ansam said...

why do you want to hide?

Delicately Realistic said...

Mali kholg i translate....whats going on???

Ms. D said...

me no comprende ela froncoise?!


1st i see chocolate then this?


Mubrook 3aleech el Shahar

Fastidious Babe said...

Kil 3aam wintoo bkhaaair fellow bloggers!

as for me.. I have decided to stop blogging for the time being as some of you have figured out.. i will however keep checking out your fabulous blogs xx

Peony said...

no no no.. why are you stopping? please come back for the sake of us? please? WE LOVE YOUR BLOG!

PinkChampagne said...

Mbarak 3alaich elshahar sweetheart xx Im missing my daily fix of fabulousness from you...I hope its going to be a calm and relaxing time for you...lots of love and hugs xxx

Lono said...

embarak 3aleeeech al shahar sis

Whatever said...

=O I didn't figure it out myself =p
As long as you'll still be here! I loved the pictures, "we'll send you to the back of the line" SO ROCKIN' =D

Anonymous said...

fastidious!!! why r u leaving we love u and ur blog!! please dont;''''((!!

Fury said...

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main....
this is so not soon as I discovered your blog,you decided to give it up.:(
will you be coming back to blogosphere anytime soon?