Monday, May 12, 2008

I want!!


Baroque said...

if it was yellow, it would have been another story..
red and black... not feeling it..

Journal Entries said...

the ruffles are so cute!

Big Pearls said...

cute..check out la perla..they have nice ones:)

Shayouma said...

I never tried one of those lol! Too shy to even shop for them!

Fastidious Babe said...

Baroque: it were those ruffles that totally made it lust-worthy! and btw ur tagged :P (check previous post :P)

A journal enntry: I KNOW RIGHT? Xx

Big Pearls: yeah, but i want something with ruffles comme ca!

shosho: for reaaaaal? lol thats cute xx

Shayouma said...

eee walla asti7i! when i buy underwear, I look around in case someone I know sees me.. Pathetic i know!

Fastidious Babe said...

lool i have a friend who has the same issue with undies shopping.. so i can sympathize shwaya :P