Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What a day!

I had one of those really long days.. and i would like to jot down some thoughts, just so i clear my mind for tonight, and SLEEP!

1. Do you talk to people you don't really know, but have bumped into several times, say, at the beach?

2. Define small talk.

3. Does a visit to ur obgyn make u feel violated.. in some way?

4. Define common courtesy.

5. Do u ever surprise urself by doing something u usually don't like seeing being done? Say, wear shades indoors, or act like u didn't notice ur old "friend" staring at you while u shopped and looked ahead, without going over to say hi?

6. Define hypocrisy.

7. Don't you love it when a group of multi-cultured women meet up and have a conversation that fulfills their intellectual/social needs?

8. Define Bonding.

9. Can you have a great day, and miss someone terribly that all u can think off every single moment of that day is "i miss them".

10. Define Yearning.

- To glowing tans, fun gatherings, lots of love and peaceful slumbers xx


Ansam said...

interesting questions... I answered all of them hehehehe!

PinkChampagne said...

Love this post!..Im still thinking about some of the answers...have a great day babe xx

Journal Entries said...

i just love ur posts!

Baroque said...

1) YUP.

2) Meaning-less talk that can not influence you, disclose personal info about you, or harm you.. the kind you tell people u don't know like restricting yourself to the weather.

3)No, its their job.

4)To do onto others like you would expect done to yourself.

5)Yes, cause sometimes you couldn't be bothered by your beliefs or social obligations, and you'd rather give your life a pinch of irony.

6) Irony, acting extremely out of character, belief, and what you preach.

7) Abso-f-ing-lutly

8) To kind of feel that you know the person in front of you, their wants, dislikes, quirks, them in a nutshell, and feel like you will always be there for them.. the whole 2 bodies in one soul thing i reckon..

9) Yes, because sometimes you can't even do anything about it and missing someone is also a sign that you are still alive and that your heart still beats/yearns for that someone..

10) Read above.

PS. Did i make up for my absence yet? xx

Cartman said...

intresting .. very intresting .. there is never something like a small talk to me .. :/ i cant keep it or help it

Sweeet blog u got there :)

in my choos said...

fastidious, your blog is exactly like a bag of skittles! colorful, random, and with every one you pop its takes you to different places, reminds you of different things x

may i add to your last line?

To glowing tans, fun gatherings, lots of love and loud slumber PARTIES xx


Fastidious Babe said...

ansam: lol care to share ur views? :P

PC: glad u did girl, would be interesting to hear ur views..have a wonderful weekend xx

a journal entry: thank you very much.. u got quite a blog urself xx

BAROQUE! lol long time NO SEE!! i mean, REALLY! and yes u made up for ur absence bigtime! i absolutely loved ur definitions.. i like that u got my gist ;) have a great weekend babe! xx

cartman: small talk happens, sometimes u need to put a lid on it though! thanx, will check out ur blog in a bit!

in my choos: UR COMMENT MADE MY DAY! i actually called up my friend and read it out to her XD LOL it just got me all giggly and flushed XD
as for slumber parties, the last one i had was a year and a half ago, and i miss em terribly! have a wonderful day babe! xx

Ansam said...

1. Do you talk to people you don't really know, but have bumped into several times, say, at the beach?
In most cases.. NO!

2. Define small talk.
a trait not all people have, just the socially skilled ones

3. Does a visit to ur obgyn make u feel violated.. in some way?
LOL in some way!!

4. Define common courtesy.
Something that should never goes out of style

5. Do u ever surprise yourself by doing something u usually don't like seeing being done? Say, wear shades indoors, or act like u didn't notice ur old "friend" staring at you while u shopped and looked ahead, without going over to say hi?
Yes... I once pretended I dont speak English in a mall in the US! I wanted to get rid of that annoying saleslady!

6. Define hypocrisy.
Dalai Lama eating a Big Mac!

7. Don't you love it when a group of multi-cultured women meet up and have a conversation that fulfills their intellectual/social needs?
Yes... most of the time I do

8. Define Bonding.
Forming emotional attachment after powerful experience!

9. Can you have a great day, and miss someone terribly that all u can think off every single moment of that day is "i miss them".
Yes, I can juggle! I can multi-task ;-) I am AKA Wonder Woman :-P

10. Define Yearning.
To want something SO bad that it should be illegal!

Fastidious Babe said...

ansam: WOW! loved ur take on it to BITS! cuteness! xx

Ansam said...

Cool hehehe

Fastidious Babe said...

I'm a full blown multi tasker too btw... so Respect! lol xx

Anonymous said...

Love the entry, marra thought provoking, and .. seems like a nice day u had there! Can't wait to finish my finals ..

3.. <-- you should ygoolech, xD

Fastidious Babe said...

lol i knowwww XD

can't wait till u finish ur finals too babe! xx