Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Morphing into a Morning person.

Everyone who knows me knows how much I hate dragging myself out of bed, at days its solely the fact that my cuppa heaven awaits that gets me there. Ofcourse there's the dilemma that our working day starts so early that finding an operating caffeine dispenser can be a challenge.

The point is, in the last week or so, the only way for me to get by as a morning person was to hit the sack as early as possible (one day that meant 7 pm!) And to get up at the crack of dawn just so I have enough time to pass by my favourite (and only open) coffee shop du jour. And it is totally worth it.

I don't know how much longer I can hold up dinner/drinks with the girls but I kinda like my mellowed out pace of life: sleep/work/hubby/classes/bed and so on and so forth :p

Maybe I am a morning person at heart but never knew it xD

- to italian coffee, the only way to have your cuppa! xx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Big Pearls said...

to italian coffee:)

Ansam said...

Cheers! hehehehe
I am a morning person! I am between jobs (kinda like a vacation ya3ni) and already awake early... every morning hehehe

Fury said...

I am not really morning person myself but have to act like one due to factors like studies,job,kid,preschool etc etc.but then I never go to bed before midnight or later which might explain my inability to welcome early mornings with a grin.:P

Delicately Realistic said...

Ambay!!! Me TOO !! At 7!!!!! Bs this last week shwaya my week was messed up but yeah thats what ive been doing and it feels great !!

Sham3at Al Jillas said...

To Italian coffee. To the rich, luscious cappuccino in the picture.

doona said...

mornings are over-rated :(

Anonymous said...

oooooooo u have got to tell me where that place is im addicted to frothier than frothy chinos and right now carpe diem does it for me...bs this mountain peaks way higher. wain wain waaaaaaain >.<;

Fastidious Babe said...

BP: <3 <3

ansam: oh if i was on vacation my day would generally start at sunset :P lol

fury: i think thats what im doing.. acting like one! lol

DR: i need to check out ur posts ASAP! x

sham3at il jillas: im craving one right now!

dandoon: TOTALLY! lol xx

nawary: lol will do xx

مريم الفلاسي said...

havent i told u ur a mornning person?


Fastidious Babe said...

lol that u did babe! xx